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R package for the zalpha suite of selection statistics. This package allows the user to run a suite of selection statistics over genomic data. The aim is to identify regions of the genome which have experienced a selective sweep.


Version 0.2.0 is on CRAN.

To install this package from CRAN:


To install the development version of this package from github:

1) Install the devtools package


2) Load the devtools package


3) Install the zalpha package direct from Github using the install_github function


How to use the zalpha package

For a full explanation of how to use the zalpha package, please see the “zalpha” vignette.

# or

If this does not work and you installed the packages directly from Github, try installing using the following code:

install_github("chorscroft/zalpha", build_vignettes=TRUE)  # might also have to include the option force=TRUE if the package is already installed


This package requires R version 2.10 or higher.

Optional packages:

  • fitdistrplus


  • Clare Horscroft


Guy Jacobs for the original development of the Zalpha statistics

Community Guidelines

I am very open to feedback, bug reports and requests!

  • If you have a bug to report or a new feature request, please create a new issue on GitHub.

  • If you would like to contribute, please feel free to fork the project and create a pull request on GitHub. A guide to how this works can be found here.

  • If you have any other feedback or need support, please email the author.