Investigating sexual behaviour in relation to number of live births

## TwoSampleMR version 0.5.6 
## [>] New: Option to use non-European LD reference panels for clumping etc
## [>] Some studies temporarily quarantined to verify effect allele
## [>] See news(package='TwoSampleMR') and for further details

Age at first live birth

d <- make_dat("ukb-b-12405", "ukb-b-1209")
## API: public:
## Extracting data for 35 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405 (ukb-b-12405) and Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 (ukb-b-1209)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-12405' on 'ukb-b-1209'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                outcome
## 1 ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 2 ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 3 ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 4 ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 5 ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
##                                    exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405                  MR Egger   35
## 2 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405           Weighted median   35
## 3 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405 Inverse variance weighted   35
## 4 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405               Simple mode   35
## 5 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405             Weighted mode   35
##            b         se         pval
## 1 -0.5060921 0.24046501 4.302098e-02
## 2 -0.3028982 0.04464528 1.164476e-11
## 3 -0.3433739 0.04132265 9.604048e-17
## 4 -0.2461135 0.09722791 1.615588e-02
## 5 -0.2422998 0.10570024 2.820053e-02
## $`ukb-b-12405.ukb-b-1209`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-1209", "ukb-b-12405")
## Extracting data for 11 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 (ukb-b-1209) and Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405 (ukb-b-12405)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-1209' on 'ukb-b-12405'
##   id.exposure  id.outcome                                   outcome
## 1  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-12405 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405
## 2  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-12405 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405
## 3  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-12405 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405
## 4  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-12405 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405
## 5  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-12405 Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405
##                                 exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209                  MR Egger   11
## 2 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209           Weighted median   11
## 3 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 Inverse variance weighted   11
## 4 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209               Simple mode   11
## 5 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209             Weighted mode   11
##             b         se         pval
## 1 -0.04834468 1.31463005 0.9714676757
## 2 -0.40832712 0.09364731 0.0000129905
## 3 -0.51702378 0.15125124 0.0006301106
## 4 -0.42579904 0.15677822 0.0217113943
## 5 -0.37205500 0.15333171 0.0356647646
## $`ukb-b-1209.ukb-b-12405`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure  id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-12405

Age at first live birth has a large effect on the number of children. Interestingly high effect in the reverse (which doesn’t make sense temporally) so maybe some form of bias going on.

Age first had sexual intercourse

d <- make_dat("ukb-b-6591", "ukb-b-1209")
## Extracting data for 200 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591 (ukb-b-6591) and Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 (ukb-b-1209)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-6591' on 'ukb-b-1209'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                outcome
## 1  ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 2  ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 3  ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 4  ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
## 5  ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209
##                                            exposure                    method
## 1 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591                  MR Egger
## 2 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591           Weighted median
## 3 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591 Inverse variance weighted
## 4 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591               Simple mode
## 5 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591             Weighted mode
##   nsnp          b         se         pval
## 1  200 -0.4082106 0.10461461 1.306684e-04
## 2  200 -0.2419585 0.02650640 6.958074e-20
## 3  200 -0.2523349 0.02350201 6.841883e-27
## 4  200 -0.2573727 0.08357179 2.365174e-03
## 5  200 -0.2479373 0.07919046 2.005136e-03
## $`ukb-b-6591.ukb-b-1209`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-1209", "ukb-b-6591")
## Extracting data for 11 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 (ukb-b-1209) and Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591 (ukb-b-6591)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-1209' on 'ukb-b-6591'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                           outcome
## 1  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-6591 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591
## 2  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-6591 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591
## 3  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-6591 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591
## 4  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-6591 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591
## 5  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-6591 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591
##                                 exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209                  MR Egger   11
## 2 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209           Weighted median   11
## 3 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 Inverse variance weighted   11
## 4 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209               Simple mode   11
## 5 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209             Weighted mode   11
##             b         se        pval
## 1  0.92532096 1.20259114 0.461348229
## 2 -0.04262213 0.06303462 0.498932596
## 3 -0.45340862 0.14725483 0.002076446
## 4 -0.06099427 0.06750242 0.387463770
## 5 -0.02308541 0.04717412 0.635138753
## $`ukb-b-1209.ukb-b-6591`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-1209 ukb-b-6591

Very highly related

Which is more important?

d <- mv_extract_exposures(c("ukb-b-12405", "ukb-b-6591"))
## Please look at vignettes for options on running this locally if you need to run many instances of this command.
## Clumping 1, 235 variants, using EUR population reference
## Removing 35 of 235 variants due to LD with other variants or absence from LD reference panel
## Extracting data for 200 SNP(s) from 2 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405 (ukb-b-12405) and Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591 (ukb-b-6591)
## Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
## rs10496949, rs10922907, rs1226414, rs12653396, rs1454687, rs1891588, rs3739121, rs6955073, rs9514600, rs976179
o <- extract_outcome_data(d$SNP, "ukb-b-1209")
## Extracting data for 200 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
d <- mv_harmonise_data(d, o)
## Harmonising Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405 (ukb-b-12405) and Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209 (ukb-b-1209)
## Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
## rs10496949, rs10922907, rs1226414, rs12653396, rs1454687, rs1891588, rs3739121, rs6955073, rs9514600, rs976179
## $result
##   id.exposure                                          exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-12405         Age at first live birth || id:ukb-b-12405 ukb-b-1209
## 2  ukb-b-6591 Age first had sexual intercourse || id:ukb-b-6591 ukb-b-1209
##                                  outcome nsnp           b         se
## 1 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209   14 -0.39253475 0.06196927
## 2 Number of live births || id:ukb-b-1209  183  0.01139307 0.04970093
##           pval
## 1 2.383505e-10
## 2 8.186882e-01

Age at first live birth is more important.