Investigating BMI, weight, and fat measures in relation to number of children fathered

## TwoSampleMR version 0.5.6 
## [>] New: Option to use non-European LD reference panels for clumping etc
## [>] Some studies temporarily quarantined to verify effect allele
## [>] See news(package='TwoSampleMR') and for further details


d <- make_dat("ukb-b-19953", "ukb-b-2227")
## API: public:
## Extracting data for 458 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Finding proxies for 1 SNPs in outcome ukb-b-2227
## Extracting data for 1 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 (ukb-b-19953) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for incompatible alleles:
## rs7928320
## Analysing 'ukb-b-19953' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1 ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3 ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4 ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5 ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                                  exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953                  MR Egger  457
## 2 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953           Weighted median  457
## 3 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 Inverse variance weighted  457
## 4 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953               Simple mode  457
## 5 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953             Weighted mode  457
##              b          se         pval
## 1 -0.004581618 0.024882688 8.539945e-01
## 2  0.055098582 0.013844170 6.894073e-05
## 3  0.061133500 0.009222218 3.381132e-11
## 4  0.045424774 0.048023688 3.447094e-01
## 5  0.026829392 0.026654079 3.146718e-01
## $`ukb-b-19953.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ukb-b-19953")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 (ukb-b-19953)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ukb-b-19953'
##   id.exposure  id.outcome                                 outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##              b        se      pval
## 1  5.951723150 3.9084715 0.3699193
## 2  0.085717621 0.1131351 0.4486562
## 3  0.295145325 0.2772422 0.2870680
## 4 -0.034403342 0.1189824 0.7996865
## 5  0.002781542 0.1183355 0.9833814
## $`ukb-b-2227.ukb-b-19953`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure  id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19953

BMI highly related with number of children, no evidence of reverse causality (i.e. more children does not cause higher BMI)


d <- make_dat("ukb-b-11842", "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 498 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Weight || id:ukb-b-11842 (ukb-b-11842) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-11842' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1 ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3 ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4 ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5 ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                   exposure                    method nsnp           b
## 1 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842                  MR Egger  498 -0.02426350
## 2 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842           Weighted median  498  0.05723154
## 3 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842 Inverse variance weighted  498  0.06280052
## 4 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842               Simple mode  498  0.07846674
## 5 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842             Weighted mode  498  0.04941912
##            se         pval
## 1 0.023908980 3.106827e-01
## 2 0.013456353 2.108083e-05
## 3 0.009526746 4.338772e-11
## 4 0.043957770 7.486326e-02
## 5 0.027114181 6.896017e-02
## $`ukb-b-11842.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ukb-b-11842")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Weight || id:ukb-b-11842 (ukb-b-11842)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ukb-b-11842'
##   id.exposure  id.outcome                  outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-11842 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-11842 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-11842 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-11842 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-11842 Weight || id:ukb-b-11842
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##            b        se      pval
## 1 6.15708927 3.2320759 0.3077398
## 2 0.13066290 0.1083773 0.2279603
## 3 0.29134377 0.2700865 0.2807192
## 4 0.03290606 0.1326531 0.8272320
## 5 0.07993650 0.1204604 0.5752098
## $`ukb-b-2227.ukb-b-11842`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure  id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-11842
d <- mv_extract_exposures(c("ukb-b-11842", "ukb-b-19953"))
## Please look at vignettes for options on running this locally if you need to run many instances of this command.
## Clumping 1, 874 variants, using EUR population reference
## Removing 383 of 874 variants due to LD with other variants or absence from LD reference panel
## Extracting data for 491 SNP(s) from 2 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Weight || id:ukb-b-11842 (ukb-b-11842) and Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 (ukb-b-19953)
## Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
## rs11250094, rs12507026, rs13264909, rs1454687, rs1860750, rs2396625, rs3097851, rs59086897, rs6597975, rs7568228, rs7942152, rs9614090
o <- extract_outcome_data(d$SNP, "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 491 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
d <- mv_harmonise_data(d, o)
## Harmonising Weight || id:ukb-b-11842 (ukb-b-11842) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
## rs11250094, rs12507026, rs13264909, rs1454687, rs1860750, rs2396625, rs3097851, rs59086897, rs6597975, rs7568228, rs7942152, rs9614090
## $result
##   id.exposure                                exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-11842                Weight || id:ukb-b-11842 ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227
##                                        outcome nsnp          b         se
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227  411 0.03221459 0.02104255
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227  321 0.03932456 0.02126834
##         pval
## 1 0.12578770
## 2 0.06446189

Weight effect explained by BMI.

Waist circumference

d <- make_dat("ukb-b-9405", "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 374 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405 (ukb-b-9405) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for incompatible alleles:
## rs156902
## Analysing 'ukb-b-9405' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1  ukb-b-9405 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2  ukb-b-9405 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3  ukb-b-9405 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4  ukb-b-9405 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5  ukb-b-9405 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                               exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405                  MR Egger  374
## 2 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405           Weighted median  374
## 3 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405 Inverse variance weighted  374
## 4 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405               Simple mode  374
## 5 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405             Weighted mode  374
##             b         se         pval
## 1 0.008023028 0.03425800 8.149630e-01
## 2 0.064436516 0.01721821 1.823093e-04
## 3 0.064224124 0.01195098 7.702536e-08
## 4 0.108341081 0.06015759 7.251764e-02
## 5 0.069433598 0.03447275 4.471030e-02
## $`ukb-b-9405.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-9405 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ukb-b-9405")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405 (ukb-b-9405)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ukb-b-9405'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                              outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-9405 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-9405 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-9405 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-9405 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-9405 Waist circumference || id:ukb-b-9405
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##             b         se      pval
## 1  3.99466625 3.22446472 0.4323357
## 2  0.00986069 0.09382822 0.9163020
## 3  0.13968488 0.20265295 0.4906463
## 4 -0.11166098 0.09753967 0.3708232
## 5 -0.09387958 0.09898322 0.4430128
## $`ukb-b-2227.ukb-b-9405`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-9405

Body fat

Whole body fat mass

d <- make_dat("ukb-b-19393", "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 435 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393 (ukb-b-19393) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for incompatible alleles:
## rs2731238, rs2943634
## Analysing 'ukb-b-19393' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1 ukb-b-19393 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-19393 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3 ukb-b-19393 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4 ukb-b-19393 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5 ukb-b-19393 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                                exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393                  MR Egger  435
## 2 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393           Weighted median  435
## 3 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393 Inverse variance weighted  435
## 4 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393               Simple mode  435
## 5 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393             Weighted mode  435
##             b          se         pval
## 1 -0.02884213 0.027163866 2.889261e-01
## 2  0.03257871 0.013622263 1.677610e-02
## 3  0.04998433 0.009738173 2.854257e-07
## 4  0.03521918 0.047108864 4.550987e-01
## 5  0.02254806 0.030071127 4.537668e-01
## $`ukb-b-19393.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-19393 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ukb-b-19393")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393 (ukb-b-19393)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ukb-b-19393'
##   id.exposure  id.outcome                               outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19393 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19393 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19393 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19393 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19393 Whole body fat mass || id:ukb-b-19393
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##              b        se      pval
## 1  4.893924482 2.8966624 0.3402316
## 2  0.113363682 0.1107168 0.3058794
## 3  0.222547662 0.2216849 0.3154308
## 4 -0.007752152 0.1466089 0.9626368
## 5  0.035163921 0.1416567 0.8271156
## $`ukb-b-2227.ukb-b-19393`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure  id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19393

Impedance of whole body

d <- make_dat("ukb-b-19921", "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 528 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921 (ukb-b-19921) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-19921' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1 ukb-b-19921 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-19921 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3 ukb-b-19921 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4 ukb-b-19921 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5 ukb-b-19921 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                                    exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921                  MR Egger  528
## 2 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921           Weighted median  528
## 3 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921 Inverse variance weighted  528
## 4 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921               Simple mode  528
## 5 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921             Weighted mode  528
##             b         se         pval
## 1 -0.06383621 0.02793744 2.271181e-02
## 2 -0.05126154 0.01448876 4.031385e-04
## 3 -0.06250341 0.01052276 2.853210e-09
## 4 -0.03050755 0.05021212 5.437322e-01
## 5 -0.03539376 0.03258163 2.778383e-01
## $`ukb-b-19921.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-19921 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ukb-b-19921")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921 (ukb-b-19921)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ukb-b-19921'
##   id.exposure  id.outcome                                   outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19921 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19921 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19921 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19921 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19921 Impedance of whole body || id:ukb-b-19921
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##              b         se      pval
## 1 -6.007655685 4.26370472 0.3929308
## 2 -0.055783139 0.08221893 0.4974733
## 3 -0.319078507 0.28662457 0.2656105
## 4  0.036726316 0.08267025 0.7003063
## 5  0.002044616 0.08084748 0.9821203
## $`ukb-b-2227.ukb-b-19921`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure  id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-19921

Appendicular lean mass

d <- make_dat("ebi-a-GCST90000025", "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 690 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Finding proxies for 117 SNPs in outcome ukb-b-2227
## Extracting data for 117 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025 (ebi-a-GCST90000025) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for incompatible alleles:
## rs664317, rs7543202, rs9640283
## Analysing 'ebi-a-GCST90000025' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##          id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1 ebi-a-GCST90000025 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2 ebi-a-GCST90000025 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3 ebi-a-GCST90000025 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4 ebi-a-GCST90000025 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5 ebi-a-GCST90000025 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                                          exposure                    method
## 1 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025                  MR Egger
## 2 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025           Weighted median
## 3 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025 Inverse variance weighted
## 4 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025               Simple mode
## 5 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025             Weighted mode
##   nsnp          b          se         pval
## 1  622 0.02806694 0.014367233 5.120521e-02
## 2  622 0.03705166 0.008786322 2.476062e-05
## 3  622 0.01670773 0.006184126 6.898351e-03
## 4  622 0.05729864 0.028053127 4.152329e-02
## 5  622 0.05272846 0.019612598 7.369979e-03
## $`ebi-a-GCST90000025.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##          id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ebi-a-GCST90000025 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ebi-a-GCST90000025")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025 (ebi-a-GCST90000025)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ebi-a-GCST90000025'
##   id.exposure         id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ebi-a-GCST90000025
##                                           outcome
## 1 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 2 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 3 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 4 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025
## 5 Appendicular lean mass || id:ebi-a-GCST90000025
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##           b        se       pval
## 1 4.4690983 2.1298815 0.28312801
## 2 0.1957767 0.1068304 0.06686314
## 3 0.2796714 0.1920725 0.14537257
## 4 0.1070283 0.1722546 0.59775834
## 5 0.1402050 0.1666289 0.48868356
## $`ukb-b-2227.ebi-a-GCST90000025`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure         id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ebi-a-GCST90000025

Basal metabolic rate

d <- make_dat("ukb-b-16446", "ukb-b-2227")
## Warning in .fun(piece, ...): Duplicated SNPs present in exposure data for phenotype 'Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446. Just keeping the first instance:
## rs3129962
## Extracting data for 546 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Finding proxies for 1 SNPs in outcome ukb-b-2227
## Extracting data for 1 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Server code: 502; Server is possibly experiencing traffic, trying again...
## Retry succeeded!
## Harmonising Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446 (ukb-b-16446) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for incompatible alleles:
## rs3129962
## Analysing 'ukb-b-16446' on 'ukb-b-2227'
##   id.exposure id.outcome                                      outcome
## 1 ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 3 ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 4 ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
## 5 ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227
##                                 exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446                  MR Egger  545
## 2 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446           Weighted median  545
## 3 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446 Inverse variance weighted  545
## 4 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446               Simple mode  545
## 5 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446             Weighted mode  545
##             b         se         pval
## 1 0.009200946 0.02661346 7.296831e-01
## 2 0.056846118 0.01572067 2.991779e-04
## 3 0.050274266 0.01107546 5.645454e-06
## 4 0.099284964 0.05065919 5.052218e-02
## 5 0.080129286 0.03345706 1.695809e-02
## $`ukb-b-16446.ukb-b-2227`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227
d <- make_dat("ukb-b-2227", "ukb-b-16446")
## Extracting data for 3 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
## Harmonising Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227) and Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446 (ukb-b-16446)
## Analysing 'ukb-b-2227' on 'ukb-b-16446'
##   id.exposure  id.outcome                                outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-16446 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446
## 2  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-16446 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446
## 3  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-16446 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446
## 4  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-16446 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446
## 5  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-16446 Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446
##                                       exposure                    method nsnp
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227                  MR Egger    3
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227           Weighted median    3
## 3 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 Inverse variance weighted    3
## 4 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227               Simple mode    3
## 5 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227             Weighted mode    3
##            b         se      pval
## 1 5.28653610 2.95870279 0.3248258
## 2 0.09624344 0.07661607 0.2090514
## 3 0.26702906 0.23494310 0.2557185
## 4 0.03087537 0.09808337 0.7827293
## 5 0.05120012 0.09201777 0.6338736
## $`ukb-b-2227.ukb-b-16446`

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "data.frame"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   id.exposure  id.outcome
## 1  ukb-b-2227 ukb-b-16446
d <- mv_extract_exposures(c("ukb-b-16446", "ukb-b-19953"))
## Warning in .fun(piece, ...): Duplicated SNPs present in exposure data for phenotype 'Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446. Just keeping the first instance:
## rs3129962
## Please look at vignettes for options on running this locally if you need to run many instances of this command.
## Clumping 1, 965 variants, using EUR population reference
## Removing 412 of 965 variants due to LD with other variants or absence from LD reference panel
## Extracting data for 553 SNP(s) from 2 GWAS(s)
## Warning in .fun(piece, ...): Duplicated SNPs present in exposure data for phenotype 'Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446. Just keeping the first instance:
## rs3740591
## Harmonising Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446 (ukb-b-16446) and Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 (ukb-b-19953)
## Removing the following SNPs for incompatible alleles:
## rs3740591
## Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
## rs10883560, rs11250094, rs11664336, rs12507026, rs1316312, rs13264909, rs1454687, rs165656, rs2396625, rs3740591, rs3771382, rs37964, rs4255484, rs59086897, rs6597975, rs9882731, rs9976812
o <- extract_outcome_data(d$SNP, "ukb-b-2227")
## Extracting data for 552 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
d <- mv_harmonise_data(d, o)
## Harmonising Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446 (ukb-b-16446) and Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227 (ukb-b-2227)
## Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
## rs10883560, rs11250094, rs11664336, rs12507026, rs1316312, rs13264909, rs1454687, rs165656, rs2396625, rs3771382, rs37964, rs4255484, rs59086897, rs6597975, rs9882731, rs9976812
## $result
##   id.exposure                                exposure id.outcome
## 1 ukb-b-16446  Basal metabolic rate || id:ukb-b-16446 ukb-b-2227
## 2 ukb-b-19953 Body mass index (BMI) || id:ukb-b-19953 ukb-b-2227
##                                        outcome nsnp          b         se
## 1 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227  446 0.02679504 0.01572631
## 2 Number of children fathered || id:ukb-b-2227  234 0.03778874 0.01457291
##          pval
## 1 0.088411827
## 2 0.009512033